Noregon Driver Download

Does Truck Diagnostic System replace Premium Tech Tool?
TDS is designed for technicians working on Mack or Volvo trucks or Prevost buses with Mack or Volvo engines to quickly identify issues and repair them quickly and accurately. There are two main differences between TDS and PTT and they are PTT has guided diagnostics and software programming capabilities.

Do I need internet access for Truck Diagnostic System?
Periodically yes. Internet access is required for initial activation/set up and for updates and license verification. *Add on modules may require internet access to submit data.

ACom PRO Training. ACom PRO training is available at product training ACom PRO. These video-based trainings cover specific topics related to ACom PRO such as launching the software, roll-call feature, NextStep troubleshooting, generating a DTC report and many more important topics. JPRO Professional is the #1 in-shop diagnostic and repair solution. With coverage of all makes and modelss, plus industry-leading bi-directional controls, JPRO helps technicians discover all issues on a truck to help fleets maximize uptime.

What trucks will Truck Diagnostic System work on?
TDS is designed for US07, US10 or US13 engine equipped models of Mack and Volvo trucks & Prevost Buses.

How do I buy it?
To purchase TDS, please visit or call 844-804-2293.

Are there any volume discounts?
For more information on volume discounts, please contact Noregon at 844-804-2293.

Is Truck Diagnostics System a one-time purchase?
TDS is an annual subscription.

I’m a Mack or Volvo dealer; can I sell the Truck Diagnostic System?
Questions regarding re-selling of Truck Diagnostic System should be directed to Noregon by calling 844-804-2293.

How often is Truck Diagnostic System updated?
Updates to Truck Diagnostic System occur three time per year.

What does it cost to update Truck Diagnostic System?
Updates to Truck Diagnostic System are provided free of charge as long as the annual subscription is active.

If I buy Truck Diagnostic System do I need anything else?
Yes, TDS is a software program. You will need a PC or laptop, 9 pin or 16 pin connector and a RP1210C compliant adapter.

Can Truck Diagnostic System perform vehicle tests such as cylinder cut outs?
Yes, Truck Diagnostic System can perform manual Cylinder Cut Out, DPF Regen and Learned Data Reset.

What OEM applications come with Truck Diagnostic System?
Truck Diagnostic System does not come with any bundled OEM software applications.

Noregon driver download

Can Truck Diagnostic System adjust user-configurable parameters?
Truck Diagnostic System has the capability to read user-configurable vehicle parameters and it can set Road and Cruise Control Speed Limits, Idle Shutdown, Cruise Control Max Set Speed and Cruise Control Min Speed on Resume.

Can Truck Diagnostic System clear Fault Codes?
Yes, Truck Diagnostic System has the ability to clear both active and inactive fault codes on Mack or Volvo trucks and Prevost buses. Truck Diagnostic System can also clear proprietary Mack, Volvo and Prevost PPID and PSID faults.

Can Truck Diagnostic System perform ECU reprogramming?
Truck Diagnostic System does not allow the reprograming of ECUs. If you require ECU reprogramming you will need to use the Premium Tech Tool application.

Do I need OEM software in order for Truck Diagnostic System to work?
No, Truck Diagnostic System is a stand-alone tool.

How does Truck Diagnostic System diagnose aftertreatment systems?
On Mack and Volvo trucks and Prevost buses, Truck Diagnostic System allows you to see the overall health of the aftertreatment system in one simple screen. The user can easily see values such as Soot Level, DPF Lamp status, Engine de-rate as it relates to aftertreatment and current Regen Status. The user can see if there are conditions inhibiting regen from taking place. Additionally, the user can start and monitor the DPF Regen process using Truck Diagnostic System.

What kind of computer and operating system do I need to run Truck Diagnostic System?
Noregon recommends using a Panasonic Toughbook CF-53 or Panasonic Toughbook CF-31 but Truck Diagnostic System will work on a current PC running Windows 7, 8 or 10.

What adapters work with TDS?
Approved adapters for TDS include:

  • Noregon DLA+ 2.0 Family
    • USB
    • Wireless
    • PLC
      Download Driver and DLL: 4.0.5983.2
  • Movimento/Vocom
    • 88890300 Datalink Adapter
      Driver File Version 1.23 (included with PTT, also available from Noregon)
      Also recommended: Vocom Device Driver/Firmware Update (Version 1.0.154) TT2 Only.
  • Nexiq
    • USB-link™
      Driver File v9.5.0.1
    • USB-link™ 2
      Driver File v.

Do you offer free technical phone support?
Yes, the number is: 844-804-2293.

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Does Truck Diagnostic System include any OEM troubleshooting manuals?
Truck Diagnostic System will search your PC for all installed OEM troubleshooting manuals and these will be available for viewing directly within the application. Truck Diagnostic System does not come with any troubleshooting manuals.



What does the ASIST Module do?

The ASIST module provides a way to rapidly and easily transfer vehicle data such as Fault Codes, Odometer, Engine Hours and Fluid Levels directly into a chosen ASIST database from TDS or the JPRO Command Module - Mack and Volvo. Submitting data will create a new ASIST case if one doesn’t already exist for the chosen truck, or insert the data into an existing open case. Data can be submitted either live or later via playback.

Set Up

What is an ASIST API user name and password and why do I need it?
The ASIST API is a dealer and database specific user name and password that allow TDS/JPRO to communicate with ASIST at your specific dealership location.
This is not your individual user name and password used to login to ASIST.

How do I get my ASIST API user name and password?
Your ASIST admin user can retrieve the information directly in ASIST by following the instructions listed in the ASIST Configuration Quick Start Guide

Can I configure more than one database in the ASIST module?
Yes. If you use multiple databases (i.e., one for Volvo and one for Mack), you can specify this in the configuration. Please reference the ASIST Configuration Quick Start Guide.

Software / Hardware

What are the system and hardware requirements?
A PC or Tablet with an i5 or better processor and a minimum of 4 GB of RAM, if the platform is only running TDS/JPRO. Windows 7, 8 or 10.

I have a computer with JPRO on it already do I also need TDS?
If you already have JPRO® Commercial Vehicle Diagnostics, then you have a choice between purchasing TDS or purchasing the add-on JPRO Command Module – Mack and Volvo.

Where can I purchase TDS and/or JPRO?
To purchase TDS, please visit or call 844-804-2293.

Noregon Driver Download

How much does TDS cost? And are there any volume discounts?
Both the stand-alone system and the JPRO Command Module have an annual MSRP of $450. For more information on volume discounts, please contact Noregon at 844-804-2293.

Is TDS a one-time purchase?
No, TDS has an annual recurring cost of $450 (MSRP). Volume discounts are available.

How often is TDS updated?
Updates to Truck Diagnostic System occur three times per year and provided free of charge as long as the annual subscription is active. Please note due to update frequency some really new trucks will not communicate with TDS as the software on the truck is incompatible with the “translator” in the tool.

Should I buy TDS or the JPRO Command Module?
If you are looking for a solution exclusively for Mack and Volvo trucks and Prevost buses equipped with Mack and Volvo engines TDS is the solution. The functionality of the Truck Diagnostic System stand-alone application or the JPRO Commercial Vehicle application with the Command Module for Mack and Volvo is the same. TDS is limited to covering trucks with Mack, Volvo or Prevost VINS, JPRO CVD covers all class 7 & 8 makes and models.

Can I re-sell the Truck Diagnostic System to my customers?
Yes, all questions regarding re-selling of Truck Diagnostic System should be directed to Noregon by calling 844-804-2293.


How do I submit TDS recorded data to ASIST?
To submit to ASIST, simply click the “Submit to ASIST” button at the top of your TDS/JPRO screen once it is enabled.

How do I submit previously recorded TDS data to ASIST?

From Vehicle History you can select the corresponding log file and click Re-submit to ASIST.
Go to Vehicle History and replay the log file. Then click Submit to ASIST.

Does the ASIST Module work with both TDS as well as the JPRO® Command Module – Mack and Volvo?
Yes. The ASIST Module can be installed to work with either TDS or JPRO® Command Module – Mack and Volvo.

Will the ASIST Module work with a Case that is already open?
Yes, the ASIST Module can import data into a case that is already open. If a case isn’t already open ASIST will create one when it receives data from TDS or the JPRO® Command Module – Mack and Volvo.

Why does the ASIST Module need an Internet connection to submit vehicle data?
Since ASIST is a web based platform, an active internet connection is required to successfully submit a case to ASIST.

What model year trucks does TDS support?
2007 Emissions and newer, Mack, Volvo and Prevost.

Can I submit vehicle data that I have previously collected?
Yes. Go to Vehicle History and replay the log file. Then click Submit to ASIST.

Can I re-submit vehicle data to ASIST?
Yes, to the same database that you first submitted to. From the vehicle history you can select the log file and click “Resubmit to ASIST”.

I need to re-submit the TDS data to a different database. What do I do?
From Vehicle History, replay the log file and click “Submit to ASIST” and select the database you want to submit to.

Will the ASIST case created with TDS link to an Uptime Center case that is already open?
Yes, but it is not automated at this time. The user can go into the new case and scroll to bottom of the Editing Case page and link the case to the Uptime Center Case by clicking on the case-level action “Attach to Uptime Center Case”.

Will the TDS information sent to ASIST update the information in an existing Uptime Center RD/GDC case that is already open?
Yes, the information is stored under the Faults tab in ASIST underneath the Volvo Remote Diagnostics / GuardDog Connect information.

Does the truck need to be running for TDS/JPRO to work?
No, but the electronics need to be powered up. Please note that low battery voltage, below 11 volts, will cause errors in reading the truck’s control modules.

Why am I prompted to enter a VIN number?
In some cases, TDS is not able to read the full 17 digit VIN from the ECUs on the truck. If this happens, the user will be prompted to manually enter a complete 17 digit VIN in order to submit the record to ASIST. In 2012, there was an issue with the VIN on the vehicle that only shows 15 digits. The year and VIN checksum are missing or garbled. On some 2012 vehicles this has been fixed, but there are still trucks that have not had this fix applied.

Who can view the TDS information in an ASIST case?
Anyone that can view the ASIST case will be able to see the TDS information.

Can I use TDS for warranty claims?
Yes, in specific cases. TDS can only be used for basic diagnostic testing, reading and clearing codes. TDS cannot generate a Product Session Log (PSL). Tech Tool (TT2) Guided Diagnostics must be used to generate a PSL. Please see Warranty Operations Manual page number for detailed warranty requirements. Warranty Operations Manual

The “Submit to ASIST” button is not enabled, why?
TDS must finish reading the truck prior to the button being enabled to allow TDS to transmit accurate complete information to ASIST.

Error Messages

Error Message: “customer not found for asset”
The customer does not exist for that asset in the selected database.

The user is required to add the asset to their local customer profile and reconnect or replay.
A multi-database user that gets this error message will need to replay the log file, and select and submit to the alternate database. If you continue to get this error message, you will need to add the asset to your local customer profile and reconnect or replay.

Error Message: “Asset not found”
This dialog means that the ASIST system received the data from TDS successfully, but there was no matching asset (VIN) in the dealer’s ASIST system. This problem can occur if 1) the truck is new and ASIST has not had time to add it to the ASIST database or if the truck is older or 2) the truck has never been entered into the ASIST database. Adding a new asset to ASIST should resolve the problem, if not contact ASIST Help Desk for assistance on resolving this issue. When the asset has been added, vehicle data can be resubmitted from the Vehicle History screen.

Error Code 1070 / “The application is attempting to identify the vehicle”
Make sure you have properly connected your vehicle adapter to the truck and to the computer/tablet that you are using. An improper connection between the computer/tablet and the truck is the most likely cause of this error message.

Error Message: 'There was an error initializing proprietary communication with this vehicle. Engine part number is missing from the database.' This issue can occur when there is a new firmware (engine part number) update for the engine and the current TDS database does not contain information about that new engine part number. TDS can still retrieve all vehicle faults. Contact Noregon when this happens, so Noregon can take the steps necessary to update the database and send it out to all TDS customers.

Support Material

Where can I find training on TDS tool?

Training videos can be found on the Noregon website listed below.

Can I replace Premium Tech Tool (PTT) with TDS?

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No, TDS does not replace PTT. See comparison chart located on Trucks Dealer Portal.

Where do I call for support?

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Noregon is the first line of support and can be reached at 844-804-2293 or